Monti is more than just a name. Monti is 100% Transport Business. Monti is movement – on the road for more than 49 years. In addition to mere transport from A to B, you can expect full-load service in moving floor logistics.
Monti is more than just a name. Monti is 100% Transport Business. Monti is movement – on the road for more than 49 years. In addition to mere transport from A to B, you can expect full-load service in moving floor logistics.
Transport Services

Our vehicle fleet is impressive. Take a look at our transport service for yourself.

Would you like to join us and become part of the Monti team? Send us your application or simply call us.
Vehicle fleet

45 Lorries – all state of the art. 100% moving floor, a volume of 92 m3 and a payload of up to 25 tonnes. With us, your cargo is in the best hands.

Well on the way? Would you like to run our freight as a subcontractor? Send us a message or just give us a call.
Rubbish with no end? We will take it away!
Do you have a lot of rubbish? We have a lot of vehicles! No matter what you need, we can offer you a solution – tailor-made. Interested? Send us an email or give us a call.